Lambert Designs

Divinity Dee-Vin-It-Tee Adj. ~ To be divine forever

Divnity, is an in-progress series by Michael Andrew Lambert Jr. This is one of Lambert's grandest projects.

The entire story written by Michael Andrew Lambert is under development as a Graphic Novel, Animation, and Game.

At the edge of the universe exists a very unusual planet.
This unknown planet seems to be sustained around a blackhole on its acis.
Strange and Mystical things happen in this lang far away.

The Graphic Novel series is to consist of three books, a triology.
Over the course of these three Novels, will be three very different Art Styles, Stay Tuned.

The animation portion of this project is simutaneously being written along side the Graphic Novels.
Using the Ilustrations from Novels, as well.
Dedicated to convey the story with more life, as well as expand the story on some Animation only Adventures.

Originally, Divinity's concept originated from older Game Design Projects from the past few years (2005-2010).
Divinity has undergone many name changes such as Collision Course, Arena, and BAY:blueandyellow

As of today, Divinity has two seperate game engines, both similar to each other in many ways, yet stray away at some core concepts.
The goal of the Divinity The Game, is to let the users interact and live in the world of the Divine.
Challenges arise, enemies to fight, as well as friends to co-op with.

Copyright � All Material and their respective owners. Michael Andrew Lambert Jr. 2010